Braston New Energy

New Energy Partnership: accelerating the New Energy Transition to Net Zero

Battery Energy Storage Project

Braston New Energy is an exciting, state of the art energy storage project proposed by New Energy Partnership.  It consists of proposals for a new 500MW Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) project near Ayr.  The project will help Scotland meet its climate goals and provide significant economic benefits to Ayrshire.

Project Overview

The proposed project is located on up to 20 acres of agricultural land at Braston Farm near Ayr and will provide 500MW of battery energy storage.  The electricity storage concept is recognised as a method of decarbonising the energy network, therefore assisting in meeting the UK’s Net Zero target by 2045.

Battery storage enables electricity generated from renewable sources to be stored when levels of generation exceed demand, then used when most needed.  The systems also provide valuable balancing services to the electricity network, improving resilience of the grid.

The project comprises a standalone Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) alongside associated infrastructure such as access, substation, fencing and landscaping.

To ensure the Braston New Energy project is delivered with the local community in mind, we are seeking your views on this proposal ahead of submitting a formal section 36 application to the Energy Consents Unit (ECU).

This dedicated project website has been created to share the latest news with the local community and facilitate feedback.  We will also hold Public Information Events; the details can be found on this page.

For more information on NEP and their other projects, please visit their website at