Application Pack

Download links

Braston New Energy - Covering Letter

Document 1 - Planning Statement

Document 2 - Parameter Plan

Document 3 - Illustrative Masterplan

Document 4 - Design and Access Statement and Landscape Strategy (Part 1)

Document 4 - Design and Access Statement and Landscape Strategy (Part 2)

Document 4 - Design and Access Statement and Landscape Strategy (Part 3)

Document 5 - Arboricultural Impact Assessment

Document 6 - Archaeology and Built Heritage Impact Assessment

Document 7 - Bat Survey Report *CONFIDENTIAL*

Document 8 - BNG Assessment

Document 9 - Construction Phase Dust Risk Assessment

Document 10 - Drainage Impact Assessment (Part 1)

Document 10 - Drainage Impact Assessment (Part 2)

Document 11 - Flood Risk Assessment

Document 12 - Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment

Document 13 - Materials Management Plan (Part 1)

Document 13 - Materials Management Plan (Part 2)

Document 14 - Noise Assessment

Document 15 - Outline Battery Fire Safety Management Plan

Document 16 - Phase 1 Geo-Environmental Desk Study Report

Document 17 - Pre-Application Consultation Report (PACR)

Document 18 - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal *CONFIDENTIAL*

Document 19 - Economic Impact Statement

Document 20 - Sustainability and Energy Statement

Document 21 - Transport Statement

Hardstanding and Road Details Sheet 1

Hardstanding Layout Sheet 1

Hardstanding Layout Sheet 2

Junction Layout

Red Line Boundary Plan

Site Location Plan